Full Funnel Media

GO does not believe only one metric defines success, but there are many indicators across the customer journey. We’ve found that our approach to full funnel advertising is key to acquiring new customers.

The Challenge

  • GO works with a health & personal care brand that has strong loyalty. Prior to activating full funnel strategy, 80% of transactions came from repeat purchases.​

  • Annual Customer Value ~$130-$140​

  • While their sales were steadily growing, we saw an opportunity to accelerate long term by acquiring new customers.

Our Solution

GO expanded acquisition targeting first through Sponsored Ads, then layered in DSP and STV to expand awareness:

  • Sponsored Ads: complete brand coverage, expanded category and competitor campaigns to acquire new customers, launched 20+ Sponsored Brand Videos​

  • Introduced DSP prospecting + retargeting

  • Launched 4-product focused STV campaigns to drive consumer acquisition


new customers acquired
in December

of transactions are
new customers

LTV return

branded search index from
August to December

of NTB customers have
become repeat purchasers

GO added DSP in May and STV in October of Year 2, which increased the number of new customers acquired in December by nearly 2000% compared to the December prior. There were 723 new customers in December Year 1 and 14,304 new customers in December Year 2.


Chargeback Excellence


Focus on Growth