For Sellers, Amazon to Begin Displaying Business Name & Address

Amazon has announced that beginning on September 1st, 2020, they will display the business name and full address on all Sellers' profile pages (if it is an individual, and not a business, the individual's name will be displayed). This is a great change that will help emphasize the authenticity of Sellers. 

Prior to this change taking place, we would encourage all of our Seller clients to ensure their business information is up-to-date. Amazon has included instructions on how to do this in their full announcement below. However, feel free to provide your Global Overview team with your most up-to-date information and they can ensure that this is correct in Amazon's system.

Amazon's full notice as posted in Seller Central on July 8th, 2020:

Beginning on September 1, 2020, we will display a seller’s business name and address on their Seller Profile page. For individuals, we will display the individual name and address. This is consistent with Seller Profile pages across Amazon stores in Europe, Japan, and Mexico.

Why are we making this change?

Over the years, we have developed many ways for sellers to share more about their business, including through features like the Seller Profile page, Store pages for brand owners, and Handmade Maker Profile pages. These features help customers learn more about the businesses of a seller and the products that they are selling. We are making this change to ensure there is a consistent baseline of seller information to help customers make informed shopping decisions.

Can I share more information to help customers beyond my business name and address?

Yes, you are welcome to add additional information about your business and products that you think would be helpful to customers. However, remember that you should not include an email address in order to prevent spam and abuse. We ask customers and sellers to use our Buyer-Seller Messaging system to communicate electronically.

How do I ensure my information is up to date?

You can view and update your contact information by following the steps below:

1.  Login to your Amazon seller account.

2.  In the Settings menu at the top right corner of Seller Central, click Account Info to view the Seller Account Information page.

3.  In the Business Information section, click the links for the information that you want to view.

4.  To change your business name, click Display Name and to change the address, click Business Address. Enter the new information or edit the current information.

5.  Once completed, click Submit to save.


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