Adapting Content for All Customers: Spanish Language of Preference Advertising Program

If your brand had the chance to reach millions of additional consumers in the US without changing your product, your strategies, or distribution channel, would you take advantage of it?

It’s a no-brainer.  

That’s what Amazon is offering through their Spanish Language of Preference (SLP) Advertising Program. This platform allows brands to connect with individuals who use Spanish as their primary language and gives Amazon shoppers the ability to elect their Amazon experience to be in Spanish, translating product detail pages and advertising content to meet their language preferences.  

In this final blog in our series, “Adapting Content for All Customers,” we’re looking at the opportunity the SLP Advertising Program offers to brands who recognize that English-only content isn’t “good enough,” even in the U.S. This is especially true given that 30 million visitors on Amazon have selected Spanish as their preferred language since launching its Spanish-language capabilities in 2017.  

Global Overview is excited about the opportunities the SLP program provides to brands such as creating more relevant content, expanding their reach, and building meaningful connections with audiences they may have struggled to engage with in the past. Here are some reasons we believe all US brands should participate in this content translation service. 

Why Participate in Amazon’s SLP Advertising Program? 

  • Customer Reach – When brands participate in this program, they can connect with 30 million additional consumers. If you create content that truly resonates with Spanish audiences, it will make the impact of this reach even greater. 

  • Access to an Additional Audience - Less than 1% of Amazon’s reached audience is duplicated between English and Spanish media efforts. This means there is minimal overlap between the SLP’s audience and the current audiences you are reaching, allowing your content to engage with a large portion of new shoppers and setting you up for new customer growth. 

  • Relevancy with Spanish Consumers – Developing ads that pertain to Spanish customers’ preferences will show that you are putting a concerted effort toward making a genuine connection with them, increasing the likelihood that they’ll connect with (and potentially buy from) your brand.  

  • Online Event Placements – This program will provide you with access to exclusive placements on during high-traffic events such as Prime Day and Cyber Monday. If you optimize your PDP and ad copy for your Spanish-speaking audience in time for these tentpoles, you will not only experience greater brand visibility, but you will also increase the likelihood of conversion. 

  • On- and Off-Amazon Engagement – SLP does not only display brands’ Spanish content through on-Amazon advertising – it also showcases content through off-Amazon advertising as well. Because this platform enables brands to reach audiences on both and 3rd party sites that are in Spanish, they are able to increase viewership and engagement with their ads even further. 

  • Measure & Optimize Campaigns – You’ll continue to get the same great data from Amazon’s first-party audience solutions to improve your SLP advertising performance and ensure your content is as enhanced as possible to resonate with Spanish audiences. 

What Advertising Mediums Are Available Through Amazon’s SLP Advertising Program? 

Now that we’ve touched on the platform’s benefits, let’s talk about the advertising tools that are available through the service so you know what type of content you need to craft. Brands in the SLP program are granted access to display ads that communicate with audiences who prefer using Spanish as their primary language through these advertising tools: 

  • Display Ads on 

  • Display Ads on 3rd party exchanges and sites with Spanish creatives 

  • Online Video Ads on 3rd party exchanges and sites with Spanish creatives 

The beauty of these advertising implementations is that your Spanish content will remain consistent across all devices. The campaigns are designed to engage the same audience on both desktop and mobile sites, resulting in a singular, unified ad experience. 

Although sponsored ads aren’t included in the SLP program’s range of advertising types, don’t forget to create strategies for your Sponsored Product, Sponsored Brand, Sponsored Brand Video, and Sponsored Display ads that cater to Spanish-speaking shoppers as well. You want this audience to have a consistent experience with your brand across the board, so making sure all your ad tools are in sync with this objective is critical. 


Taking part in Amazon's SLP Advertising program helps brands just like you improve their incrementality, relevancy, and new customer growth with shoppers who use Spanish as their primary language. Our Retail Leads are equipped to give you all the information you need to know to get started with this initiative. Let’s chat.



For more ideas on how to modify your content to be as relevant as possible for any type of shopper, check out the other posts in our “Adapting Content for All Customers” series! 


Holiday Shopping Success: 6 Approaches to Promotions & New Measurement Tools


Adapting Content for All Customers: Content Nuances Across Nations