Brand Building Reminders for 2023

A couple weeks ago, JungleScout released a new resource to help brands and advertisers cast a vision for what is ahead in 2023. Check out the resource online here: 

JungleScout’s 2023 Amazon Playbook → 

Since our teams at GO utilize JungleScout as one of the many tools to help scale our support for our brands, we’re always interested in what they see happening across the breadth of Amazon’s marketplace. The report has a mix of broader vision casting pieces, practical application, and foundational reminders that sparked some conversation with our team, so we wanted to pass them along to you.  

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead for E-commerce Brands in 2023 

Every e-commerce brand is staring down the unknowns of 2023. In the playbook, JungleScout names two main opportunities: 

  • “Continued growth of omnichannel shopping will create additional opportunities to drive customers to your Amazon catalog.” 

  • “The growing popularity of voice shopping, live commerce, and video content is opening up new ways for e-commerce brands to connect with consumers and drive sales.” 

Our GO team added a few opportunities to this list: 

The power of strong brand should not be ignored. Brands have a massive opportunity in 2023 to leverage content with sight, sound, and motion to drive brand awareness in the mid-to-upper funnel in a more impactful way.”

- Beth Wall, VP of Customer Marketing & Sales

“There’s a great opportunity in omnichannel commerce and the continued rise of retail media. Brands have a chance to provide quality shopping experiences across all touchpoints, elevating customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The challenge presents itself in the ability to measure impact. Brands will have to coherently analyze insights across platforms, understanding real impact of a total campaign, and move away from a singular channel-by-channel approach.”

- Cody Tusberg, VP of Partner Marketing

“Brands have an opportunity to gain incremental distribution and sales in Amazon’s international markets where selection and competition is still relatively nascent compared to the US e-commerce marketplace.”

- Josh Taylor, GM of GO Europa

Along with those opportunities, we’re sure to face challenges. JungleScout named these 3 main challenges:  

  • “Inflation will continue to shape consumer shopping preferences, price sensitivity, and brand loyalty.” 

  • “Climate change is creating unique challenges as weather events like heat waves, hurricanes, and more impact shipping operations and an increasing number of consumers prioritize eco-friendliness. 

  • “Shifting consumer demand and delayed shipments could lead to oversupply of inventory for some products.” 

Our GO team added a few challenges as well: 

“As families and individuals continue to respond to economic challenges, I would encourage brands to leverage content to speak in a manner that genuinely acknowledges wherever the consumer may be during these times.  

- Beth Wall, VP of Customer Marketing & Sales

“Brands will continue to discern if or when to reduce advertising budgets. Those who are pulling back on advertising because they’ve seen reduced purchase orders may not yet feel the sales impact due to higher seasonal trends and loyal, repeat customers keeping sales afloat.  However, a reduction in advertising equals a reduction in new customer growth, which will have longer term implications in 2023.  If brands are not constantly refilling the funnel with new customers, future growth will be stunted.”  

- Dana Swygard, Director of Brand Strategy

“The Amazon landscape is continually evolving, with interesting new features and data surrounding consumer behavior and shopping. Separating the interesting from the useful is a full-time focus, having the right partner to augment our client’s internal capabilities is GO’s primary objective.”

- Chris Goggin, VP of Technology, Data & Engineering

Each challenge requires brands to be flexible, adapting to the changing realities of our markets and our world. But the good news is that no matter what we face, the recipe for building long-term success will always stay the same: 

  • Drive profitability. 

  • Boost market share.  

  • Build brand equity.  

Brand Building Reminders 

You won’t be able to take on those big-picture challenges and opportunities without making sure you’ve got the foundations covered. As brands are resetting for the rest of the year, here’s a look at some key reminders we resonated with from JungleScout’s resource: 

Optimize Your Product Listings:

Your product listings are the face of your business on Amazon, so it's crucial that they are detailed, accurate, and visually appealing.  

  • Include high-quality images and videos that showcase your products from multiple angles and highlight key features. 

  • Write detailed and informative product descriptions that include all relevant information such as dimensions, materials, and care instructions. 

  • Encourage customer reviews and ratings to build trust and credibility with potential buyers. 

Utilize The Right Data and Tools to Scale:

Making strategic decisions about launching new products and optimizing campaigns can be complex and time-consuming. To help with this, consider: 

  • Using tools like Cobalt to gather data on product demand, competition, and pricing strategies in a specific market. 

  • Utilizing customer feedback and social media listening to identify emerging trends and in-demand products. 

  • Conducting thorough research to identify gaps in the market that your products can fill. 

Conduct Thorough Keyword Research:

SEO is essential for driving visibility and sales on Amazon. Here's how to do it effectively: 

  • Use tools like Keyword Scout to conduct a reverse ASIN search of your competitors' top-performing products to find relevant keywords. 

  • Analyze search volume and competition for each keyword to prioritize your targeting efforts. 

  • Optimize your product listings with your target keywords to improve your search ranking and visibility. 

Monitor and Evaluate PPC Campaigns:

Paid advertising can be a powerful way to drive sales and grow brand awareness on Amazon. 

  • Set clear goals and KPIs for your campaigns and track progress regularly. 

  • Test different ad formats and targeting strategies to find what works best for your products and audience. 

  • Use tools like Downstream's Shelf Intelligence feature to connect the dots between your PPC investments and your brand's Share of Voice data (SOV). 

By focusing on these areas, you can give your Amazon e-commerce business the competitive edge it needs to thrive in 2023. Keep in mind that Amazon is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay in the loop on new features, trends, and best practices to continue to grow and improve your business.  


Not Getting the Results You Want? Let’s Chat.  

If you’re starting 2023 off on the wrong foot and already falling behind, you might have some gaps that even the best tools (like those from JungleScout) won’t be able to fix. Afterall, great tools still need a team with capacity and experience to turn the data into actionable insights. Let’s connect to find out where your gaps might be and if Global Overview is the right partner to help reposition you for your 2023 goals.  


Full-service Amazon e-commerce management spurs rapid sales growth.


GO reduced a client’s Amazon FBA fees by repackaging an ASIN.