Implementing a Full-Funnel Strategy for a UK-Based Brand

What We’re Celebrating:

  • By reprioritizing our client’s strategy toward a multigoal approach, we helped them reverse their down year and increase their shipped units by +52% YoY.

  • Our emphasis on a full-funnel strategy aided our client in achieving:

    • +871% increase in total ad-attributed new-to-brand (NTB) sales

    • +117% increase in product cost of goods sold (PCOGS)

    • +132% increase in repeat purchases


Prior to working with GO, a UK-based brand experienced total business growth on Amazon during the COVID-19 pandemic as brick-and-mortar High Street stores closed to align with NHS COVID policies and more people shopped online. However, once lockdown restrictions began to ease in the second half of 2021, the brand’s Amazon sales growth began to slow as people went back to physical stores. By the first half of 2022, their Amazon business was in decline with shipped units down -10% YoY.

On top of this, the brand faced several challenges with their advertising approach, including:

  • They struggled to spend their budget in full each day.

  • 50% of their campaigns would run out of budget early in the day.

  • They relied on branded search term traffic and only leaned into Sponsored Product and Sponsored Brand ads.

  • They weren’t narrowing in on things like NTB, cost per purchase, or awareness campaigns.

The brand partnered with our agency in May 2022 to manage their budget more strategically and implement a full-funnel strategy that would drive the incremental sales growth they needed to get back to where they were pre-reopening of brick-and-mortar stores.

The Challenge:

  • As COVID-19 restrictions eased, the client’s Amazon sales declined while their strategy inhibited their recovery.

  • The brand only utilized Sponsored Product and Sponsored Brand ads, minimizing their growth potential.

  • Certain campaigns ran out of budget early each day while others couldn’t spend their entire budget, keeping our client from accelerating NTB and total sales growth. 

The Strategy:

GO reprioritized our client’s strategy toward a multigoal approach to boost new customers, increase conversion, and retain loyal shoppers. To accomplish this, we implemented these tactics in the following order:

  1. Restructured campaigns by auto, brand, category, and competitor keywords.

  2. Launched Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brand Video, and Sponsored Brand Store Spotlight ads to bring in category and NTB traffic.

  3. Collaborated with an Amazon Account Executive to understand our client’s potential within their category and how their ad performance and investment compared to competitors.

  4. Increased spending to utilize DSP during high-traffic, seasonal events.

  5. After seeing success with DSP for events, we created an always-on approach with search and DSP for prospecting and loyalty (combined with running monthly Subscribe & Save Vendor Powered Coupons).

The Results:

We reversed the brand’s down year, increasing their shipped units by +52% YoY.

We also yielded the following in Q1 2023:

  • +871% increase in total ad-attributed NTB sales YoY

  • +117% increase in PCOGS YoY

  • +132% increase in repeat purchases YoY

Need help turning your down year on Amazon around?

If your Amazon performance is yielding lower results than you’d hoped, one of the first things you should look at is your advertising strategy. If you aren’t relying on a full-funnel strategy and implementing tactics that help you drive new customers, conversion, and brand loyalty, you aren’t focusing on every piece of the puzzle. Unsure how to fit all the puzzle pieces together? Connect with our agency today.


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