Why We Are Excited About Amazon’s Omnichannel Metrics (beta)

The GO team has been exploring Amazon's Omnichannel Metrics (beta) reporting and we are thrilled about what we’re finding. To jump straight to the point, the data and insights are proving what our gut has always told us: 

Amazon media fuels brick-and-mortar sales. 

We know that the average customer is influenced by online media, but the vast majority of purchases are still made at brick-and-mortar outlets. As such, all CPG and grocery brands’ marketing teams need tools to measure offline sales from new and existing consumers.  

Source: E-Commerce Opportunities: What, When, and How to Achieve Growth in the Digital Space, May 2020

The typical approach to determining national media ad-attribution for offline sales is to run an expensive and time-consuming omnichannel post-campaign study or marketing mix report. 

We have a complicated relationship with these studies and reports.  

We know the benefits we hope to get out of them, but do they really give us the information we need?  

They are exhaustive, exhausting, and, unfortunately, are only able to prove an intent to purchase, but nothing beyond that. Even if the reports can gather enough educated assumptions to imagine a possible opportunity, the research takes so long that you can’t capitalize on that opportunity in the moment. 

Omnichannel Metrics are proving measurable impact for offline sales while campaigns are in-flight.  

Omnichannel Metrics gives the visibility to see Amazon media making an impact off-Amazon, in brick-and-mortar. The reporting is at the line-item level, allowing us to understand the relationship between ad audiences, placements, and creatives on outcomes. 

The metrics are also reported mid-flight, which gives us the chance to optimize by changing tactics or reallocating budget while the campaign is still active.   

When compared to a traditional post-campaign study or marketing mix report, not only is the process more efficient, but the clear insights from Omnichannel Metrics are gathered quick enough to identify opportunities and take advantage of them while it’s still possible. 

What insights does Omnichannel Metrics provide?  

Cross-Channel View 

Reports contain total Omnichannel sales as well as on-Amazon and off-Amazon sales breakdowns.  

Multi-source Signal 

Provides de-duplicate metrics combining Amazon retail signals and third-party offline transaction records.  

Line-Item-Level Reporting 

Reporting is at line-item level, allowing advertisers to see the relationship between ad audiences, placements, and creatives on outcomes.  

Mid-flight Actionability 

Metrics are reported mid-flight, allowing advertisers to change tactics or reallocate budgets to optimize business outcomes.  

What metrics are included in Omnichannel Metrics?  

The current Omnichannel Metrics beta reporting contains metrics across 3 categories: 


  • Off-Amazon total store visits 

  • Off-Amazon total units sold 

  • Off-Amazon total product sales 

  • Off-Amazon total ROAS 

Amazon Retail 

  • Amazon retail total detail page views 

  • Amazon retail total units sold 

  • Amazon retail total product sales 

  • Amazon retail total ROAS 


  • Impressions 

  • Cumulative reach 

  • Spend (total cost) 

  • Omnichannel total units sold 

  • Omnichannel total product sales 

  • Omnichannel total ROAS 


Amazon’s Omnichannel Metrics Measures Ad-Attribution for Offline Sales. 

We are excited about layering Omnichannel Metrics into our broader data sets because it ultimately helps answer the question: 

Which tool will give us the best return we can measure?  

Omnichannel Metrics can provide quantifiable answers to that question, whereas traditional offline sales reports simply give educated guesses.  

In the end, it’s clear to us that Omnichannel Metrics will help us discover and invest in ad tools that provide measurable growth in sales, market share, and brand equity online and offline, across the board.  



We love getting to share beta opportunities like Omnichannel Metrics with our brands. It’s one of the ways we use first-to-market opportunities to give our clients an edge in their categories. If your CPG or grocery brand is interested in Omnichannel Metrics, click the button below to email us and we’ll explore how our team might be able to support you.  


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