Boosting Ad Performance of a Former Amazon Accelerator Brand

The Opportunity

Global Overview works with a Growth AE in Germany that was interested in transitioning a Home Furniture brand over to us once their 90-day period with the Amazon Accelerator Program was over. The brand has a strong presence in several countries but had only been selling in Amazon EU for a couple of years, and they hadn’t dabbled in Amazon Ad tools beyond Sponsored Ads in Europe yet.

The brand was interested in finding a partner who could support them with their search tactics and beyond, ultimately helping them invest in a full-funnel advertising strategy that would drive performance velocity and increase new-to-brand customers.

Our Solution

GO worked with the Growth AE to form a seamless transition process from the Amazon Accelerator Program to our agency. We were first introduced to the brand on day 60 of the Amazon Accelerator Program and began joining calls to learn more about their Sponsored Ads approach as well as their limited investment in Sponsored Brand Video (SBV) and Store Spotlight ads. Once the brand's 90 days were up with the Amazon Accelerator Program, we held a kick off call to discuss the various nuances of their existing strategy. We then took the reins from there to improve their Sponsored Ads performance with the goal of layering in DSP down the road.

Once we had our hands on the keyboard, GO ran a thorough audit of the brand’s current advertising tactics to identify areas in which they could improve. We then executed the following strategies to boost their performance:  

  • Campaign Cleanup: To make it easier to optimize & deliver insights to grow the business strategically, GO spent the first 30 days of management reorganizing the brand’s campaigns, transitioning them from containing multiple product categories and targeting types per campaign to segmenting them by category, brand, and competitor keywords. 

  • Increase Brand Store Visits: GO leaned into Store Spotlight Ads and SBV because the brand was experiencing strong basket building on their Brand Store and we knew it could help them build awareness around key categories and products via their Best Seller, New Products, and Gifting pages. 

  • Expand SBV: SBV was driving a lot of new customer acquisition, but the brand was only allocating 4% of their dollars towards that ad type because they didn’t have the resources or internal creatives to develop videos. To help them achieve their NTB goals, we educated them on SBV’s impact, introduced them to Amazon’s Video Builder tool, identified 15 priority ASINs to build assets for, and recommended upping their SBV allocation to 15%. 


After just 2 weeks of managing the brand’s ads, we were able to drive more sales with less spend compared to the previous month with Amazon management: 

Comparing Amazon to GO management, GO increased sales with less budget.

When comparing 30 days pre-GO transition to 30 days post-GO transition, we achieved:

increase in sales

increase in NTB customers

of NTB growth is due to
the brand's SBV campaigns

When comparing 30 days pre and post GO transition, GO increased ad attributed sales and new to brand customers.

While we initially only planned to dedicate 15% of spend toward SBV, the client’s quick turnaround in providing video assets and our ability to swiftly launch new campaigns allowed us to up that to 23%, further benefiting their new customer acquisition numbers. 

Now that we’ve set a strong foundation with this client’s search ads, we’ve begun discussing the right approach in expanding their advertising mix to include Amazon DSP as well. At GO, our end goal is to make sure all our brands are investing in a full-funnel strategy in order to reach customers at every stage of the buying journey, so we have the talent to not just support our clients’ lower funnel tactics, but their upper funnel tactics as well. 


Ad Creative Optimization


Chargeback Reduction Through a Ship Window Extension