Vine + Born to Run Boosts New Product Launch

The Challenge

A young CBD beverage brand that had a limited budget and heavy restrictions on their ASINs enlisted us to support their new product launch. They initially planned to allocate resources toward marketing and rely on organic orders to build over time, but they soon realized they needed faster results.

Our Solution

GO convinced the brand to allocate some of their budget toward Amazon’s Vine to generate customer reviews quicker. Also, to sidestep any stock issues that would kill customer confidence just as fast as Vine could create it, we integrated Born to Run (BTR) into the launch strategy.


Vine worked so well for this product launch that we used it for 4 other new products. Once all 5 products reached 30 reviews, we variated them together for a total of 150 reviews, creating an even bigger impact.

BTR assisted in avoiding inventory constraints that would slow down the brand’s sales, helping them exceed their yearly SCOGS goal by 34%.

SCOGS growth increased each month

Chargeback Reduction Through a Ship Window Extension


Strategizing in Restricted Product Categories