Amazon's Seller Fee Changes

Beginning February 18, 2020, Amazon will be adjusting multiple Seller fees. Your team at Global Overview is available to review how these changes will impact your business and will help you take action to mitigate their impact. We understand the importance of continued diligence during these changes.  At Global Overview, our goal is to continue driving profits for your Amazon Seller business.

For specifics on these changes, log into your Seller Central account and click here, or use one of the links below.

2020 US referral fee changes
Referral fees will decrease by 3%-7%, depending on category.

2020 US fulfillment fee changes
Fulfillment fees will rise about 3% across the board.

2020 FBA fee changes for monthly storage, Label Service and removal orders
January to September monthly inventory storage fees will increase by $0.06 per cubic foot for standard-size items.

2020 FBA Small and Light fee changes
They will be consolidating certain handling fees, charging for labelling, eliminating certain long-term storage fees, and standardizing storage fees for small and light items.

FBA New Selection program
Beginning April 1, 2020, Amazon is incentivizing those who opt into the New Selection Program.


Amazon's New Truckload Email Confirmation