Finding the Best Full Service Agency for Your Brand

As e-commerce has evolved, more and more brands have leaned into Amazon because they see it as an immense opportunity to bolster their profitability and growth. And for good reason too - Amazon grew over 9% YoY from 2021 to 2022, holds a 37% share of all e-commerce sales, and has 200+ million prime users worldwide.  

Although brands are eager to take advantage of Amazon’s momentum, many are overwhelmed by its complexities because... 

  • They lack experience: Often times with Amazon, they don’t know what they don’t know, and it can be overwhelming to formulate a plan when they don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle.  

  • They don’t have the bandwidth: True success will take time. There are plenty of boots-on-the-ground hours that go into strategic thinking and executing a plan that many brands simply don’t have the capacity to support.

  • They can’t keep up with the changes OR opportunities: This space moves very quickly. Being first-to-market with new opportunities and betas is a difference-maker in building brands on Amazon. 

  • They don’t know how to measure success: Brands should value certain KPIs over others depending on their goals. Knowing which metrics to hang your hat on can be the difference in measuring your execution as a success or failure. 

Some brands look to solve these problems internally, or they look to “Frankenstein” their approach with a combination of tech and internal resources. But if you lack the capacity to manage it all, you’ll quickly start to see inefficiencies, knowledge gaps, reduced access to unique first-to-market opportunities, and an increased potential for wasted resources—all of which are blockers to the profitability and growth brands were wanting in the first place. That's where a full service agency comes in—one that covers every aspect of the Amazon business to work together in unison.  

How do you find the right full service Amazon agency? 

A quick Google search will give you lots of options for Amazon agencies, but how do you know which one is the right fit? 

While there are a million questions you can ask to determine which full representation agency is right for your brand, here are a couple of big picture questions you can start with: 

  • Do they understand and align with your goals? 

  • Do they have the knowledge and skills that your company currently lacks? 

  • Do they have experience in your vertical? 

  • Can they show receipts for their successes? 

  • Do they stay up to date with Amazon's constantly changing ecosystem? 

  • How do they measure success on Amazon? 

What “full service” means to us.

Not to make things more confusing, but “full service” or “full representation” means slightly different things to different agencies. Many agencies speak to full coverage on Amazon but truly only specialize in one or two functional areas of the business, which can limit the breadth of their strategy. So it’s important to understand just what any given agency means before you can determine if it’s the right fit for your brand.

Our structure of full representation includes 5 main segments that are critical for driving profitability and growth on Amazon:

  • Operations

  • Retail

  • Advertising

  • Creative

  • Reporting & Analytics

When a brand partners with us, we surround them with a team of professionals whose experience in these 5 disciplines runs deep, with diverse backgrounds from Amazon, Target, CPGs, agencies, tech, and logistics.

Additionally, since we think holistically about growing long-term profitability, each department works cross-functionally with one another on a daily basis to ensure that the individual strategies within each segment work together seamlessly and align with our partners’ overarching brand goals.

Here’s what that looks like:  


Our operations team establishes the foundation of a brand’s Amazon business. We find the root cause of process inefficiencies, provide insights to help scale our client’s supply chains, and educate and guide our partners in an effort to attain operational advantages.

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration Example: The operations team can work with the reporting & analytics team to identify bottlenecks in the fulfillment process and optimize logistics to improve delivery.

See our Operations Team in action →


Our retail team dives deep into the Amazon landscape to develop well-informed and customized strategies driven by the goals of our partner brands. We are unrelenting in our tactical support, ensuring the fundamentals are in place from a strong catalog with the right selection, pricing, placement, and content.

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration Example: The retail team can work with the creative team to optimize the PDPs of newly launched products to make sure they meet Amazon’s retail readiness standards, policy requirements, and best practices.

See our Retail Team in action →


We believe in the power of a full funnel advertising approach. Our advertising team helps our partners achieve long-term, sustainable growth by designing robust campaign strategies utilizing Amazon Streaming TV, DSP, and Sponsored Ads to acquire new customers and retain loyal shoppers.

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration Example: The advertising team can sync with the retail team to discuss which items are going to have deals during tentpole events, informing how the advertising team reallocates spend to bring more attention to those promoted items.  

See our Advertising Team in action → 


Our GO Studio team collaborates closely with our partners to enhance their brand presence across all Amazon platforms. We produce best-in-class content informed by Amazon-curated customer insights and optimized for consumer experiences across product detail pages, brand stores, and additional advertising platforms.  

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration Example: The creative team can work with the advertising team to create visually compelling ads that drive and boost detail page performance.

See our GO Studio team in action →   

Reporting & Analytics

Data is the source of truth. We utilize data from a multitude of resources to derive actionable insights and inform decision-making, thus influencing our strategic direction. 

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration Example: The reporting & analytics team can use data to identify top-selling products, which can then inform the retail team's decisions on which items they should promote during tentpole events.  

Want to learn more about our capabilities? Visit our Services page →


Does our full service agency sound like the right fit for your brand?

Vetting the right agency for your business is grueling work, but it’s worth it to know that the agency you partner with can confidently support your visions for profitability and growth on Amazon. If our definition of full representation resonates with you and what you need, or if you still need a bit more information and would like to learn more about our offerings and the people behind the strategy, let’s chat...  


Unsuppressing ASINs: GO's success with documentation & Amazon communication


Using Sponsored Display to protect our client’s PDPs and yield additional sales