GO significantly improved a client’s product detail page performance through creative & UX optimizations  

What we’re celebrating: 

A 2.4% increase in conversion rate and an 8% increase in sales/view after publishing a complete structural and visual overhaul of a client’s Product Detail Pages (PDPs). 


Our client is a consumables brand that was in the process of deploying a new visual identity for themselves across all shopping platforms. On the Amazon front, they needed GO's help to implement this rebrand and restructure the layout of their PDPs to be more intentional with how they organize and present information to shoppers. While the brand's PDP content was already built out and complete, it ultimately lacked the shop-ability, differentiation, product information, and visuals necessary to produce optimal sales. Because of this, we took this as an opportunity to reevaluate their content holistically and update all components of their PDPs: titles & bullets, image carousel, and Premium A+ Content.   

The Challenges: 

The client struggled to... 

  • Find the balance of navigation & shop-ability while showcasing their new visual brand identity  

  • Stand out in a saturated market 

  • Clearly define category-specific quality standards to new customers 

  • Seamlessly blend product benefit and how-to-use information with visual and emotional impact 

The Strategy: 

We understood that the brand wanted to firmly establish their new visual identity while optimizing the performance of their detail pages, so we decided the best course of action was to rebuild the content from scratch.  

The detail page content was crafted with the goal of balancing an informative and clear message with an elegant, high-end, and straightforward visual identity to draw in the shopper’s eye, hold their attention, and earn their trust. We made sure the images were product-forward, showing the bold colors and consistency of the product while coupling it with important use-case, technical, and nutritional callouts that distinguish the unique properties of the product from its generic counterpart.  

Based on strong results we’ve seen in the past, we knew that giving the shopper the ability to educate themselves on the distinction of this brand in its unique, growing category through the vehicle of educational, product-forward, and premium-feeling design would inspire purchases at a higher rate.   

The Results: 

  • When comparing 30 days pre-detail page update vs. 30 days post-detail page update, we increased the brand’s average daily metrics significantly: 

  • Units: +22% 

  • Sales: +16% 

  • Sales/visitor: +8% 

  • Conversion rate: +2.4% 

    • Even with a +1.9% increase in visitors 

Does your PDP need a reboot? 

Ideating and developing new content and imagery can be challenging, but our experienced creative department, GO Studio, can help you do it right. Reach out and schedule a meeting. 


GO significantly improved a client’s Amazon Brand Store performance through creative & UX optimizations  


Developing an Effective Amazon Advertising Keyword Strategy