GO significantly improved a client’s Amazon Brand Store performance through creative & UX optimizations  

What we’re celebrating: 

An 8% increase in sales/visitor, a 5% increase in units/order, and a 4% increase in conversion rate—all while experiencing a 97% increase in visitors—after publishing a complete structural and visual overhaul of a client’s Amazon Brand Store.


We were tasked with updating our client’s Brand Store content while implementing a new brand look and feel that was a far departure from their original visual identity.  

Though the brand has strong new visual content, well-reviewed products, and a loyal customer base, they operate in a saturated market where it can be difficult to distinguish different brands from one another. This meant they had to work to retain their active customers while drastically changing how they present themselves.  

We redesigned their Brand Store with the goal of educating the consumer, organizing product categories and information, showcasing the new brand image, and selling products. 

The Challenges: 

  • Finding the balance of navigation & shop-ability while showcasing the brand's new visual identity  

  • Standing out in a saturated market  

  • Clearly defining category-specific quality standards to new customers  

  • Seamlessly blending product benefit and how-to-use information with visual and emotional impact 

The Strategy: 

We understood that the brand wanted to firmly establish their new visual identity while optimizing the performance of their Brand Store, so we decided the best course of action was to rebuild the Brand Store from scratch. 

This led to us orienting the home page and main product page around navigation first and making the sale second. Given the complexity of this brand, with multiple product categories serving distinct purposes, it is essential to prioritize consumer education prior to presenting a wide array of options. This approach serves to prevent overwhelming the shopper with unfamiliar products. 

We also focused on product differentiation to ensure we stood out from other players in the category. We showcased industry-trusted standard certifications for how to measure the quality, authenticity, and potency of the product as well as illustrated the transparency of the sourcing of each batch sold, something that our client’s competitors are currently not doing. 

Our goal was to allow the shopper to quickly educate themselves on each product category, decide which one is right for them, then click the category’s navigation tab to shop. On the category pages, we still pushed to have a balance of strong visual branding and product-focused imagery, coupled with the opportunity to purchase by using Brand Store shoppable hotspots on lifestyle photography and PDP listing links.  

The Results: 

When comparing 30 days pre-Brand Store reboot and 30 days post-Brand Store reboot, we saw a significant increase in Brand Store metrics:  

  • Sales/visitor: +8%  

  • Units/order: +5%

  • Conversion rate: +4% 

    • Even with a dramatic +97% increase in visitors

Need a Brand Store overhaul? 

Our GO Studio team can transform your current storefront into a gorgeous and education-filled customer experience that’s sure to earn you the conversion. Set up a call with us to learn how we can address your specific needs. 


Product Detail Pages and Brand Stores: Using the Right Strategies for These Merchandising Tools


GO significantly improved a client’s product detail page performance through creative & UX optimizations