Unlocking Customer Acquisition in a Shifting Retail Environment (Webinar)

How much are you willing to pay for a new customer?

Today’s challenging retail environment is forcing brands to reframe their media mix in ways that help balance both new customer acquisition and ensuring profitability. Carl Goedjen, our President, and Beth Wall, our VP of Customer Marketing and Sales, presented a session on this same topic at Amazon’s unBoxed in October.

The session outlined how to reimagine a full-funnel advertising approach using Amazon Ads tools to achieve long-term growth while also managing efficiency. With the uncertainties of 2023 ahead, the message is even more relevant, and we wanted to create another opportunity for people to engage with the ideas Carl and Beth shared even if they couldn’t make it to the event.  

Click to play the webinar below and check out the resources to help your brand imagine the possibilities even in a season of challenges.  


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Access These Resources:


Free Download: Tentpole Planning Checklist & Annual Calendar


New Year, New You: Tips to Capitalize on this Seasonal Timeframe