Amazon’s Updated Auto Cancelation Timeline for Seller Central Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN) Orders

As of September 30, 2020, any Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN) order that is not shipped and confirmed within 7 business days after the "ship by" date will be automatically cancelled, per Amazon's updated policy.

The "ship by" date is detailed in the "Sold, ship now" notification email, and can be set by modifying your 'Handle Time' under the 'Manage Inventory' page or through the 'Add a Product' tool. 

How might this policy impact your Cancelation Rate (CR)?

Orders automatically cancelled due to this policy will be counted as defects to your CR. Sellers must maintain a CR under 2.5% to prevent account deactivation and actively retain great account health. You can monitor this metric in the 'Account Health' dashboard. 

Reminder: If an order is canceled at the buyer's request, it will not negatively impact your CR. 

Work with your GO team to ensure that your ‘Handle Time’ is fully up-to-date, and that "ship by" dates for MFN orders are accurately operating within this timeline.


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