Fee Increase for Carton Content Accuracy Chargeback

On March 22, 2021, Amazon will increase the Carton Content Accuracy chargeback fee from $1.00 per defect to $2.60 per defect. The rise in cost is a result of a recent audit ran by Amazon which reflected an increase in quantity-related defect costs.

A Carton Content Accuracy chargeback is incurred when the products received at Amazon Fulfillment Centers (FCs) do not match the information provided to Amazon in the Advance Shipment Notification (ASN). We often see this chargeback when Amazon FCs don't receive the correct products and/or quantities detailed in the ASN, including when cartons are missing products that were listed in the ASN or Amazon receives products not listed in the ASN. We also see Amazon utilizing this chargeback when cartons with non-sellable inner packs and master packs have item-level barcodes on them. Item-level barcodes dictate how units are stowed in Amazon FCs, and when an item-level barcode is visible on a case pack or a master pack that is not the sellable unit, the units are stowed incorrectly.

Carton Content Accuracy Chargeback (1).jpgCarton Content Accuracy Chargeback (1).jpg

Having correct ASN information is crucial for Amazon FCs because they utilize an auto-receive system that expects the products sent to them to match exactly what is on the ASN. When they do not match, inventory decisions become confused and customer orders are delayed.

How to Prevent These Chargebacks

  • Ensure the products you send to Amazon are exactly what you have noted in your ASN.

  • Double check that your barcodes are mapped to the correct product ASINs.

  • Make sure your case packs are not transparent and that the item-level barcodes are only placed on the sellable items. Additionally, don't place barcodes on top of the case packs as that leads to inner packs being scanned instead of the sellable units.

If you receive a Carton Content Accuracy chargeback that you believe is an error, notify your GO team and they will dispute it on your behalf.

Contact your GO team if you have any questions about this chargeback update.


No Carton Content Label Chargeback Fee Increase for Vendors Beginning May 7, 2021


Country of Origin Data Requirement for Vendor Central Brands