Get Set Up to Win Prime Day!

Deals are loaded. Campaigns are prepped. Inventory is ready. What else can you do to win on Prime Day?  

The beauty of Amazon’s marketplace is its ability to drive traffic and conversions from multiple sources on and off Amazon. So, while Prime Day deals are one part of the equation of success, don’t forget about these 2 big ways you can add to them: 


With all the traffic heading to Amazon for Prime Day, Amazon Posts and Amazon Live are great opportunities to inject a new layer of dynamics into your content to drive conversions and build a community around your brand. 

Quick Tips for Amazon Posts

  • Show the product in action. Think of Amazon Posts as the opportunity to showcase the product in the wild. Use images of real people enjoying your product and how it makes their life better.  

  • Share stories from your biggest fans. Reach out to your biggest fans and top reviewers to highlight their stories about your product. Why do they love it so much? How has it impacted their lives?  

  • Focus on authenticity, not perfection. Like so many other social media platforms, the best engagement will come from Amazon Posts that are authentic to your brand and your customers.  

Quick Tips for Amazon Live

  • Be engaging. Use your team’s big personalities or an influencer to keep viewers engaged. You can also include multiple people to create a talk show-like experience.  

  • Educate. This is a chance to walk potential customers through the product at a more detailed level and in a way that they’ll actually pay attention.  

  • Make it a conversation. Amazon Live can be a two-way experience. Invite viewers into the conversation with the chat feature.  


Using Amazon Posts and Amazon Live will not only help drive engagement at both the product and the brand level, but they will also make the most of all the traffic coming your way during Prime Day.  


While Amazon is doing its part to drive consumers your way, you can double-down on the Prime Day deals by leveraging all of your own off-Amazon marketing platforms.  


Quick Tips for Email Lists: 

  • Give them a sneak peek. They are already fans of yours. Help them feel some extra love by giving them a heads up about the upcoming deals so they can be first in line.  

  • Build your Amazon Live audience. Invite them to watch your Amazon Live to drive viewers and engagement.  

  • Ask them to spread the word. Turn your biggest fans into vocal champions by asking them to share the Prime Day deal with someone in their life who needs your product.  


Quick Tips for Social Media: 

  • Run a countdown. Lead up to Prime Day with a countdown that highlights the deals and the products.  

  • Prime Day Giveaway. Do a giveaway on your social media where followers post a screenshot of their Amazon order confirmation. Then, you can randomly select a winner to receive a bonus Prime Day gift.  

  • Don’t cross-post all the same content from Amazon Posts or Amazon Live. While you can share some of the same content across multiple social media platforms, be sure to keep it unique enough so that viewers want to follow you on multiple platforms.  


Your off-Amazon marketing efforts can be the thing that helps your brand exceed their Prime Day goals.  


Do you need help talking through these ideas? Our Global Overview team is ready to help set you up to win this Prime Day. Let’s connect.  


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