Preparation Chargeback Rate Changes & New Cap Seal Non-Compliance Chargeback

On June 1, 2022, Amazon will begin implementing updated prep chargeback rates for Canadian and US Vendor Central brands with specific rates increasing while others stay flat or decrease.

Below is a breakdown of changes by chargeback type:

Additionally, Amazon is introducing a new $0.82 Cap Seal non-compliance chargeback for US Vendor Central brands beginning July 1, 2022. This chargeback is specific to liquids, gels, and pastes and will replace the Bagging chargeback for those item types only. Amazon, at their sole discretion, will determine if the new Cap Seal chargeback applies or if the former Bagging chargeback applies, but vendors will only be charged for one.

If you have any questions regarding preparation chargeback compliance, contact us at


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