GO News

Helpful updates and practical ideas that can build your brand.

Restoring an Item to Its Browse Node via a Variation Strategy
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Restoring an Item to Its Browse Node via a Variation Strategy

We identified a variation strategy that helped our client’s top item get reinstated in its browse node. This resulted in the top item's sales and market share increasing and the top item regaining the best seller badge it held previously. Click here to learn more...

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Hunting for Profitability: 3 Areas to Find More Profitability on Amazon
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Hunting for Profitability: 3 Areas to Find More Profitability on Amazon

The ebb and flow of a brand’s consumer cycle creates an ongoing shift in priorities. Long-term growth and profitability are always the main goals, but there might be seasons when you focus more than others on short-term profitability. Click here to see which areas we look at when our partners want to lean into short-term profitability…

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Implementing a Full-Funnel Strategy for a UK-Based Brand
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Implementing a Full-Funnel Strategy for a UK-Based Brand

By reprioritizing our client’s Amazon advertising strategy toward a multigoal approach, we helped them reverse their down year and increase their total ad-attributed new-to-brand customers, shipped units, product cost of goods sold, and repeat purchases. Click here to learn more…

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Turning a Spark into a Fire: 3 Types of Growth to Create Long-Term Success on Amazon
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Turning a Spark into a Fire: 3 Types of Growth to Create Long-Term Success on Amazon

Any kind of growth shows promise, but like a spark failing to turn into a flame, some growth will never turn into long-term success because it’s missing a key ingredient. No metaphor is perfect, but there is some correlation between the ingredients needed to start and maintain a fire and those needed to achieve sustained, profitable growth. Click here to learn more…

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Quadrupling a Brand’s Amazon Sales Following Its Relaunch
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Quadrupling a Brand’s Amazon Sales Following Its Relaunch

We encouraged our client to shift away from a return on ad spend (ROAS)-focused mindset, lean heavily on top-performing category keywords, and make optimizations across advertising and content to significantly increase their yearly sales. Click here to learn more…

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Guiding Our Client Through their First Seller Central Shipment
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Guiding Our Client Through their First Seller Central Shipment

We spearheaded our client’s first-ever Seller Central shipment and troubleshooted issues along the way, including breaking their more-than-truckload order into smaller shipments and balancing different forecasting reports to optimize their inventory. Check out the results here…

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Using A.C.T. Frameworks to Ignite Growth While Safeguarding Against Wasted Ad Spend 
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Using A.C.T. Frameworks to Ignite Growth While Safeguarding Against Wasted Ad Spend 

Reports like Next & Co’s 2023 Digital Media Wastage Report—which disclosed that $6 Billion of ad spend in 2023 failed to produce results—are showing symptoms of a much larger and more significant problem related to strategies that are designed to spend recklessly.

While there are many components to long-term profitability, reducing wasted ad spend has to be a priority before a brand can position themselves for long-term profitability. The solution is less about pulling back in ad spend and more about understanding how to focus your spend and optimize it for the greatest opportunities.

To safeguard against wasted spend, your strategy needs to A.C.T….

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2024 So Far & What’s to Come
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2024 So Far & What’s to Come

2024 has started with a bang, meaning brands need to be proactive in understanding Amazon’s current landscape, anticipating potential shifts, and crafting adaptable strategies to capitalize on the platform’s opportunities in 2024. Click here to see what GO leaders are seeing in 2024 so far and what they’re excited about for the rest of the year…

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Balancing Short-term Revenue and Long-term Profitability: Lessons from a Full-funnel Amazon Advertising Strategy
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Balancing Short-term Revenue and Long-term Profitability: Lessons from a Full-funnel Amazon Advertising Strategy

Success on Amazon requires a delicate balancing act between harvesting from the present opportunity and planting for the future. While lower-funnel tactics will benefit you in the short term, upper-funnel tactics will drive your long-term profitability and raise the opportunity ceiling for your lower-funnel tactics. Click here for more details…

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